Catholic life and Mission

St Aidan's is a Catholic Primary School where we serve the Catholic community of Seven Kings. We welcome children and staff of all faiths where we celebrate and learn from one another. We follow our mission statement of 'Together we enjoy Learning, Achieving, sharing and praying. Let Jesus' love shine through in everything we do.'

We gather together for prayer and liturgy as a whole school, class groups and phase groups to share the word of God and sing together. When we pray we are lifting up our hearts and minds to God, we do this through many ways of prayer. Christ is at the centre of all we do and strive for at St Aidan's.

For the teaching of Religious Education we follow the 'Come and See' programme for Years 1-6.  

 EYFS are building the new curriculum following the new RED (Religious Education Directory) 

We plan to have all year groups with the new RED curriculum by September 2025.



RE Curriculum


RE Curriculum overview

Journey in love Parents Overview

RSE curriculum

RSHE Parent guide

Big questions

RE Policies


RE Policy

RSE policy

Protocol for Visitors to Catholic Schools - CES Model

RE Directory

PLD Prayer & Liturgy Directory

Collective Worship Policy

Laudato Si 

Pope Francis has written a letter addressed to every person on the planet asking us all to protect the earth.

Watch this animation - Click on the image

Dear Children,

The earth is God's gift to us all, full of beauty and wonder. And it belongs to everyone. But what we see today is that our common home has never been so hurt and mistreated. We have developed at a greater speed that we never could have imagined, and have treated the earth like it has an unlimited supply of resources. We have taken more than our fair share from most people on the planet, as well as future generations. We have cut down the earths natural forests, polluted the earths waters, it's land and it's air.

The whole human family needs to work together to care for our planet earth, so that we sow beauty not pollution and destruction. So let's put pure love for the world and love for our neighbours, into action by living together in harmony and caring for nature.

-Will you play your part to look after our common home?

-Can you take simple every day eco-actions to care for the earth, like turning off lights or reducing water waste?

-And will you live more simply, reducing the amount of things we buy and throw away?

The world can't wait so let's make that start today! Play your part to protect our common home.

Love Pope Francis


Parent information 

RE curriculum -

Religious Education is central to the life of St Aidan's. It promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of the pupils and enables them to become aware of God's presence in their lives, helping them to foster a caring Christian attitude towards others. RE also enables pupils to gain knowledge and understanding of the major world faiths, while recognising the many similarities and differences which link faiths together.

Come and See

Our RE programme, Come and See, is based on upon the core resources recommended by the diocese. Each year group from Yr 1-6 have their own list of focus topics to consider throughout the academic year. The topic will coincide with the church calendar. At the heart of the programme is the mystery of God's self-revelation of love through Jesus Christ. Come and See gives our pupils the opportunity to explore the mystery of faith through Scripture and tradition.

RED - Religious Education directory 'To know You more clearly'

From September 2023 children in the Early Years will be following the new Religious Education Directory. They will be taught RE through six branches of study.

Autumn term:

Branch 1: Creation and Covenant           Branch 2: Prophecy and promise

Spring term:

Branch 3: Galilee to Jerusalem               Branch 4: Desert to garden

Summer term:

Branch 5: To the ends of the earth          Branch 6: Dialogue and encounter

From September 2024 children in Key Stage 1 will begin to follow the RED followed by Key Stage 2 in September 2025.

*Please see the PDF RED directory tab above for further information 


PLD - Prayer & Liturgy directory 'To love you more dearly'

The new Prayer & Liturgy directory is being phased into the daily life of our school. The PLD ensures that the Lord Jesus Christ is at the centre of our school and prayer & liturgy is at the heart of our school community life. Prayer & Liturgy is essential to our schools Catholic Life and Mission. Our prayers that the children learn and say daily are outlined in the PLD.

*Please see the PDF PLD directory tab above for further information


Prayer and worship at home  

Click on the link above for the TenTen resources for prayer & worship at home.



         Catholic Social Teaching


Please click on the link to find more information


Catholic Social Teaching Newsletter - September

Catholic Social Teaching Newsletter - October 

 Catholic Social Teaching Newsletters - November

 Catholic Social Teaching Newsletter - December




Our G.I.F.T team (Growing in Faith Together)

Avin & Tomisin are our GIFT team this year who lead and support us with prayer & liturgy keeping Christ in our hearts always. They applied for the role and demonstrated wonderful leadership skills and how Christ is at the centre of their lives.

Parish Communities



Brentwood Cathedral is situated on Ingrave Road, Brentwood, Essex. Our Bishop is Alan Williams SM and the Dean of the Cathedral is Fr. John.




The Parish of St Teresa's is situated on Brook Road, Newbury Park, Essex. The Parish Priest is Fr David. 






St Cedd's Catholic Church is situated on Goodmayes High Road, Goodmayes, Essex. Fr Slawomir Jedrych is the Parish Priest and Fr Marek Pabis is the Assistant Priest (our school priest).



 Our Daily Prayers


Morning Prayer

Before Lunch Prayer

After Lunch Prayer

Evening Prayer


Diocese of Brentwood 




Catholic life and Mission at St Aidan's 

Enjoy our photos of Catholic life at St Aidan's and please click on the X on the home page to view our twitter page where you will find lots more information on our Catholic life.